Position: Contracted animator.

The contract involved rigging character faces inside Face Robot and then lip sync them to a prerecorded voice over.

Full body animations utilized motion capture and were in need of tweak and adjustment to fit the final character design. Hands and fingers called for manual animation as they weren’t recorded. Everything was then merged in Maya and rendered to the clients specification.

More information about the product can be found at this external site http://www.okkanym.com

Next Island

Position: Senior animator at SEE Digital Studios.


This game required props inspired by the era of ancient Greece. As the characters were already animated I rigged and implemented the clothes and melee weapons that the players unlock when they reach a certain point in the game. I also worked with particle related effects in order to bring a more immersive experience to the game world. The death cave, as seen in the picture, uses various particle driven ambient life such as bats and cockroaches. The deep pit in the cave that holds all the tormented souls is visualize by particle phantoms.

The final product was developed for PC. More information about the game can be found at this external site http://www.nextisland.com/


Position: Contracted technical animator.

My part in this project consisted of rigging humans and animals so that a team of animators could bring them to life. Besides rigging the body, the face needed controls to allow lip syncing.

Early in the development we planned to test out my “Cheap facial motion capture” solution but it had to be cut due to the limited production time.

More information about the game can be found at this external site http://www.fylgja.se/

Planet Calypso

Position: Senior animator at SEE Digital Studios.

As this game is an ongoing development my task was to animate various creatures and then implement them in the game world. The rig was based on the biped of 3ds max and all creatures had to include the same predefined moves in order to function in the game.

The game utilizes a modified Cryengine 2 in order to render the vast environments.

Besides animating creatures and static objects I also handled allot of particle related effects in order to bring a more immersive experience to the game world. Everything from weapon projectiles to distant ships flying in the atmosphere.

The final product was developed for PC. More information about the game can be found at this external site http://www.planetcalypso.com/